September 23

The Attuned // Update 1

Sup fam!! How’ve y’all been doing? Fall's rolling in and so is the last spurt of hot weather so I hope everyone’s keeping cool and safe!

We have a few exciting announcements!!

We have an Instagram account for the Attuned where you can get sneak peeks of your favorite love interest as well as animations and more for the game (maybe even embarrassing baby photos…)!

Baby Gareth

Follow our instagram account ➤➤➤

Who can you romance in the Attuned? We have 3 options so far; Gladys, Gareth, and Lyon!

We plan to add 3 more from the resistance along with having secondary characters that are frustratingly not romanceable 😀

Lastly we’re working on getting a demo together! We’ll announce this more officially in the coming weeks, but we’re aiming to release the demo on October 31st either on Steam or 

This may be an incredibly ambitious release date to aim for, but hey, lets do it 🙂

Currently, we’re working on making sure the game mechanics for the demo are doable as we’d like to make sure there’s a couple events that focus on sneaking/spywork as this is an espionage game, after all! 

Once the mechanics are nailed down, we can work on art assets and a demo that y’all can check out! The demo will be freely available and we can’t wait to have something working for y’all to play through!!


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